An Overview of Improving Diabetes Self-Management with Problem Solving Skills Building

Leah Lambart
7 min readJun 7, 2022

In the US in 2018, 11.3% of the population had Diabetes mellitus (diabetes) and 38% of the population had pre-diabetes (Diabetes Fast stats, 2022; National diabetes fact sheet, 2014). Additionally, 15.9% of people are estimated to have diagnosed or undiagnosed diabetes (Diabetes Fast stats, 2022; Nathan, 1993). Diabetes is the eighth leading cause of death (Diabetes Fast stats, 2022; National diabetes fact sheet, 2014). Diabetes is a leading risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD), which is the leading…



Leah Lambart

My current focus is tobacco research. I am excited to share my thoughts. My passion is to figure out ways to reduce human suffering and increase equality.