Member-only story
I’m Not A Liar, but…
My working theory is that the pandemic has increased fibbing or truth-stretching or glossing over among parents of school-aged children.
This is not an invitation to pandemic politics. This is one mom looking to vent and share a lived experience. All the respect to everyone.
I’m a former epidemiologist and have worked in public health my whole career. In the beginning, I was all in for being overly cautious. Now, we’re past 19 months.
Y'all I’m tired. This thing is not exciting anymore. When it was a few hundred cases, I was excited from an academic perspective to study it. Now that it’s killed over 1 in 500 Americans, I’m heartbroken and weary. Mothering through the whole thing has both helped and hurt.
Being a mother of two school-aged children, my case study of one is small. But, I have some ideas of why it might happen. I don’t lie, perse, I just use my best judgment and know what details to emphasize.
We need our kids in school to do our own work. Whether it is outside the home or within the home, we all have things to do. Those things might include a quick episode of our favorite but inappropriate show while little ears are away. Important.
We know they don’t have the ‘Vid. We know our kids and it’s just allergies. Probably. They’ve been tested so many times already. We’re sure it’s just seasonal sniffles.
When anyone asks, they definitely haven’t had any of the symptoms of the ‘Rona. For sure no. At least no new…